she, he, or (singular)
they. Used in definitions to stand for the
animate actor, which is mostly human but can sometimes
refer to other animate entities as well. The approximate equivalent to the
Cree pronoun wiya. (e.g. s/he sees;
s/he sees something; s/he sees someone)
s.t., it
something. Used in definitions to
stand for the inanimate goal. (e.g. s/he sees
s.t., i.e. something; s/he sees it)
s.o., her, him
someone, but can also mean
“something animate” like pahkwêsikan or
asikan. Used in definitions to stand for the
animate goal. (e.g. s/he sees s.o.,
i.e. someone; s/he sees him; s/he sees her)
Used in definitions to stand for the inanimate
actor (e.g. it is blue) or
existential subject for impersonal verbs
(the “it” in it is raining).