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Morpheme Boundaries
Where would you like to see morpheme boundaries to be shown?
Inflectional Category
Would you like to see the inflectional category with search results?
Show emojis with entries?
Emojis illustrate word classes
Emoji for animate nouns (awa words)
Choose the emoji that will represent all awa words.
Select Dictionary Source
Select one of the following options to choose which entries are displayed in the search results
Select Audio Source
Select one of the following options to choose which audio source you would like to hear
Show/Play Paradigm Audio
When available, audio will be displayed and played in paradigms
Show/Play Synthesized Audio in Paradigms
Synthesized audio is generated by a computer model. It is fairly accurate, but not as precise or natural as a human speaker. This setting applies to the Paradigm Layouts specifically. Note: this setting only applies if "Show Paradigm Audio" is set to "yes"
Show/Play Synthesized Audio
Synthesized audio is generated by a computer model. It is fairly accurate, but not as precise or natural as a human speaker. This setting applies to all speech except the paradigm layouts.