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  1. IPV ⚡️   like: pê-
    1. downstream CW
    1. wîhkitisiw

      linguistic breakdown
      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
      1. it tastes good, it is tasty (e.g. fish, bannock) CW
      2. He tastes delicious. MD
      3. it is tasty, i.e.: fish or bread AECD
      1. kêhkêhk

        linguistic breakdown
        NA-3 🧑🏽   like: masinahikanāhtik(w), askihk(w)   📖
        1. hawk CW MD
        2. falcon [Lat. Falco sp.] CW
        1. nâpê-mâyacihkos

          linguistic breakdown
          NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
          1. ram CW
          2. male sheep CW
          3. a goat AECD
          1. miyay

            linguistic breakdown
            NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
            1. mariah fish, burbot [Lat. Lota lota] CW
            1. pihkasam

              linguistic breakdown
              VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
              1. s/he toasts s.t., s/he chars s.t. CW
              2. s/he chars it AECD
              1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                1. Whitefish Lake, SK CW
                2. Big River, SK CW
                1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                  1. Big River, SK CW
                  2. northern Plains Cree reserve CW
                  1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                    1. Whitefish Lake, SK CW
                    2. Big River, SK CW
                    3. northern Plains Cree reserve CW
                    1. opakitahwâwiw

                      linguistic breakdown
                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                      1. s/he is a fisherman CW
                      1. nôcikinosêwiyinîwiw

                        linguistic breakdown
                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                        1. he is a fisherman CW
                        1. nôcikinosêwiyiniw

                          linguistic breakdown
                          NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                          1. fisherman CW
                          1. onôcikinosêwêw

                            linguistic breakdown
                            NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                            1. fisherman CW MD
                            1. opakitahwâw

                              linguistic breakdown
                              NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                              1. fisherman (using nets), one who sets fishing nets CW
                              2. A fisherman using nets. MD
                              3. a fisherman. Var. pakitawâwiyiniw AECD
                              1. wâpamêkosis

                                linguistic breakdown
                                NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                1. young whale, young beluga CW
                                2. young fish CW
                                1. nêhiyawi-sîwîhtâkan

                                  linguistic breakdown
                                  NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                  1. Cree salt CW
                                  2. traditional salt, Indian salt CW
                                  1. N   Naming word
                                    1. Fish broth MD
                                    1. kinosêwâpoy

                                      linguistic breakdown
                                      NI-2 💧   like: mîkisasâkay, oskasâkay   📖
                                      1. fish broth CW
                                      1. nôcîhkamawêw

                                        linguistic breakdown
                                        VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                        1. he seduces s.o.'s wife CW
                                        1. kwâsihtawêw

                                          linguistic breakdown
                                          VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                          1. s/he steals (it/him) from s.o. CW
                                          2. he seduces s.o.'s wife CW
                                          1. osikwanay

                                            linguistic breakdown
                                            NI-2 💧   like: mîkisasâkay, oskasâkay   📖
                                            1. fish tail, tail fin CW
                                            2. a fish tail. (Plains). alt. osikwanâs (Northern) AECD
                                            1. mâyatihkowiyâs

                                              linguistic breakdown
                                              NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                              1. mutton CW AECD MD
                                              2. sheep meat AECD
                                              1. oski-kinosêw

                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                                1. fresh fish CW
                                                1. osikwanâs

                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                  NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                  1. fish tail, small fish tail, small tail fin CW
                                                  2. a fish tail. (Northern). alt. osikwanay (Plains) AECD
                                                  1. iyiniwihkâsowin

                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                    NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                    1. traditional name, Indigenous name, Indian name CW
                                                    1. NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                      1. Jackfish Lake, SK, near Cochin, SK [literally: "fish lake"] CW
                                                      1. pakâsow

                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                        1. s/he is boiled in water CW
                                                        2. s/he is immersed in water CW
                                                        3. it is boiled, i.e.: a fish AECD
                                                        1. kihci-oskâpêwis

                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                          NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                                          1. main ritual server CW
                                                          2. Sun CW
                                                          3. [Christian:] Great Servitor, St. Peter CW
                                                          1. kitâpayihtâw

                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                            VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                            1. s/he swallows all of s.t. CW
                                                            2. He swallows it. MD
                                                            1. mistamêk

                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                              NA-3 🧑🏽   like: masinahikanāhtik(w), askihk(w)   📖
                                                              1. whale CW
                                                              2. big fish CW AECD
                                                              3. salmon CW AECD
                                                              4. a whale. (Northern). alt. misiwâpamek (Plains) AECD
                                                              1. iyiniwihkâtêw

                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                VTA-4 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nakatêw   📖
                                                                1. s/he gives s.o. a traditional, Indigenous name CW
                                                                2. s/he gives s.o. an Indian name CW
                                                                1. iyiniwihkâtam

                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                  VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                                                  1. s/he gives s.t. a traditional, Indigenous name CW
                                                                  2. s/he gives s.t. an Indian name CW
                                                                  1. V  
                                                                    1. He gives him an Indian name. MD
                                                                    1. mistiyâkan

                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                      NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                      1. big dish, platter, large bowl CW
                                                                      1. pimipayihow

                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                        1. s/he moves along, s/he run along CW
                                                                        2. it migrates (e.g. fish) CW
                                                                        1. wiyâkanis

                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                          NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                          1. small dish, small bowl, small vessel CW
                                                                          2. cup CW MD
                                                                          3. A smaller plate MD
                                                                          4. A saucer MD
                                                                          1. nêpêwisiwinihk

                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                            1. in a bashfulness 🤖CW 🤖MD
                                                                            2. in a shame 🤖CW
                                                                            3. in an embarrassment 🤖CW
                                                                            4. in a Shyness. 🤖MD
                                                                            5. in a being shy. in a Var. in a nîpewisowin 🤖AECD
                                                                            6. in a shy manner AECD
                                                                            7. shyly. Var. nîpewisowinihk AECD

                                                                              form of nêpêwisiwin


                                                                              NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                              1. bashfulness CW MD
                                                                              2. shame CW
                                                                              3. embarrassment CW
                                                                              4. Shyness. MD
                                                                              5. being shy. Var. nîpewisowin AECD
                                                                            1. iyiniwihkâtêw

                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                              VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                                                                              1. it has a traditional name, it has an Indigenous name, it has an Indian name CW
                                                                              1. ohcîhkamawêw

                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                1. s/he attempts to win (it/him) from s.o. CW
                                                                                2. he woos s.o.'s wife CW
                                                                                3. s/he helps her/him with something. (Northern). alt. wîcohkamawew, nîsohkamawew (Plains) AECD
                                                                                1. INM   like: otôskwanihk
                                                                                  1. Good Fish Lake, SK CW
                                                                                  1. V  
                                                                                    1. He swallows. MD
                                                                                    1. kohcipayihêw

                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                      VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                                      1. s/he swallows s.o. CW
                                                                                      1. kohtâpayihtâw

                                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                                        VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                                                        1. s/he swallows s.t. CW
                                                                                        1. kohcipayihtâw

                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                          VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                                                          1. s/he swallows s.t. CW
                                                                                          2. He swallows it. MD
                                                                                          1. pîhtâpêk

                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                            NI-3 💧   like: pahkêkin(w), askêkin(w)   📖
                                                                                            1. lagoon CW
                                                                                            2. slough, dead water CW
                                                                                            3. Dead water, i.e.: a slough or lagoon AECD
                                                                                            1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                                                                                              1. Carrot River, SK CW
                                                                                              1. sîsîpi-mîcimâpoy

                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                NI-2 💧   like: mîkisasâkay, oskasâkay   📖
                                                                                                1. duck soup, duck broth CW