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  1. okimâw

    linguistic breakdown
    NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
    1. chief, leader, head person, man of high position CW
    2. king CW
    3. boss CW
    4. one's superior CW
    5. manager CW
    6. A chief. MD
    7. A man in high position. MD
    8. a leader on a job site, i.e.: a boss AECD
    9. government leader, manager AECD
    1. okimâwiw

      linguistic breakdown
      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
      1. he is a chief, leader, head person, boss CW
      2. he is the master CW MD
      3. He is the chief MD
      4. s/he is boss AECD
      1. okimâwahêw

        linguistic breakdown
        VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
        1. s/he gives s.o. authority to lead, s/he places s.o. in the role of chief CW
        2. s/he promotes s.o. to boss CW
        1. okimâwapiw

          linguistic breakdown
          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
          1. s/he sits in a seat of authority, s/he is in position of power CW
          1. okimâwayân

            linguistic breakdown
            NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
            1. chief's robe, bearskin CW
            2. ermine pelt CW
            3. king or queen's robe CW
            1. okimâwiwin

              linguistic breakdown
              NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
              1. chieftaincy CW
              2. social status CW
              3. government CW
              4. the act of being boss AECD
              5. government worker AECD
              1. miyo-okimâw

                linguistic breakdown
                NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                1. good chief, good leader, good officer, good boss CW
                1. kihci-okimâw

                  linguistic breakdown
                  NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                  1. king CW
                  2. grand chief CW
                  3. important official CW
                  4. governor CW
                  1. kihci-okimâw

                    linguistic breakdown
                    NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                    1. government CW
                    1. kihci-okimâw

                      linguistic breakdown
                      N   Naming word
                      1. The king. MD
                      1. kihci-okimâw

                        linguistic breakdown
                        NA 🧑🏽  
                        1. the king or grand chief AECD
                        1. okimâwahiwêw

                          linguistic breakdown
                          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                          1. s/he gives people authority to lead, s/he places people in positions of authority CW
                          2. s/he promotes people to management CW
                          1. okimâwapiwin

                            linguistic breakdown
                            NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                            1. sitting in a seat of authority CW
                            2. seat of authority CW
                            3. being in authority AECD
                            1. okimâwêyimêw

                              linguistic breakdown
                              VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                              1. s/he honours s.o. as a chief or governor CW
                              2. s/he thinks of s.o. as an authority figure CW
                              3. s/he thinks of her/him as the boss AECD
                              1. okimâwikamik

                                linguistic breakdown
                                NI-3 💧   like: pahkêkin(w), askêkin(w)   📖
                                1. governor's residence CW
                                2. government building CW AECD
                                3. boss's house CW
                                4. the boss's house AECD
                                1. okimâwêyihtam

                                  linguistic breakdown
                                  VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                  1. s/he thinks of s.t. as a figure of authority CW
                                  2. s/he thinks of it as a king AECD
                                  1. okimâw-kêhkêhk

                                    linguistic breakdown
                                    NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                    1. large hawk, ferruginous hawk [literally: "chief-hawk"] CW
                                    1. okimâwastotin

                                      linguistic breakdown
                                      NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                      1. crown CW AECD
                                      2. chief's hat, chief's war bonnet CW
                                      3. a boss's hat AECD
                                      4. chief's war bonnet AECD
                                      1. okimâwahiwêwin

                                        linguistic breakdown
                                        NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                        1. giving people authority to lead, placing people in positions of authority CW
                                        2. the act of giving someone authority to act or lead AECD
                                        1. N   Naming word
                                          1. A crown MD
                                          2. A headdress. MD
                                          1. okimâwêyimisow

                                            linguistic breakdown
                                            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                            1. s/he thinks of him/herself as an authority figure CW
                                            2. s/he thinks of him/herself as boss CW
                                            1. okimâwêyimiwêw

                                              linguistic breakdown
                                              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                              1. s/he thinks of people as an authority figures CW
                                              2. s/he thinks of people as kings AECD
                                              1. okimâwikosisân

                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                                1. son of a chief, boss's son CW
                                                2. prince CW
                                                3. the boss's son AECD
                                                1. sôniyâw-okimâw

                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                  NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                                  1. Indian Agent, money-boss CW
                                                  1. okihcitâw-okimâw

                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                    NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                                    1. warrior chief CW
                                                    2. head warrior, camp leader, hunt leader CW
                                                    1. okimâwêyimisowin

                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                      NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                      1. thinking of oneself as an authority figure CW
                                                      1. okimâwêyihtâkosiw

                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                        1. s/he is honourable CW
                                                        2. s/he is highly respected CW
                                                        3. s/he is thought of as worthy CW
                                                        4. s/he is thought to be worthy of being boss AECD
                                                        1. okimâskwêw

                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                          NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                                          1. queen CW AECD
                                                          2. female boss, female of high position CW
                                                          3. chief's wife, wife of anyone known as "okimâw" CW
                                                          4. The chief's wife. MD
                                                          5. the boss's wife AECD
                                                          6. s/he is the boss's wife AECD
                                                          1. okimâskwêsis

                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                            NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                                            1. chief's daughter CW
                                                            2. daughter of anyone known as "okimâw" CW
                                                            3. princess CW
                                                            4. The chief's daughter. MD