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  1. pêhow

    linguistic breakdown
    VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
    1. s/he waits CW AECD MD
    2. s/he expects, s/he is in expectation (of someone's arrival) CW
    3. Keep on waiting. MD
    4. Wait awhile. MD
    1. ohci

      linguistic breakdown
      IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
      1. from there, thence, out of CW
      2. with, by means of, for the purpose of CW
      3. because of, for that reason CW
      4. for CW MD
      5. from then, from that point in time CW
      6. about CW
      7. From MD
      8. Out of MD
      1. itakisow

        linguistic breakdown
        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
        1. s/he is counted thus CW
        2. it is held in such esteem, it is worth so much, it is valued thus, it is considered so, it costs so much CW
        3. it has such a function CW
        4. How much he is worth. MD
        1. cêskwa

          linguistic breakdown
          1. Wait. MD
          1. kwêtawi-pêhow

            linguistic breakdown
            1. s/he is uncertain about whether or not to wait, s/he is impatient CW
            1. Preverb : kwetawi
              preverb breakdown

            form of pêhow


            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
            1. s/he waits CW AECD MD
            2. s/he expects, s/he is in expectation (of someone's arrival) CW
            3. Keep on waiting. MD
            4. Wait awhile. MD
          2. itakihtêw

            linguistic breakdown
            VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
            1. it is counted thus, it is valued thus, it costs so much, it is worth so much CW
            2. it is held in such esteem CW
            3. it has such a function CW
            4. it is thus charged with supernatural power CW
            5. It is priced at so much. MD
            1. âhkwakihtêw

              linguistic breakdown
              VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
              1. it is expensive, it costs dearly CW
              2. it costs more, it is worth a top-up amount, it is valuable CW
              3. It is expensive. MD
              1. pêh

                linguistic breakdown
                1. (you) wait for him/her now 🤖AECD 🤖CW 🤖MD
                2. Wait for him. MD

                  form of pêhêw


                  VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                  1. s/he waits for s.o. CW AECD MD
                1. pêhâw

                  linguistic breakdown
                  1. people wait for him/her 🤖AECD 🤖CW 🤖MD
                  2. He is waited for. MD

                    form of pêhêw


                    VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                    1. s/he waits for s.o. CW AECD MD
                  1. pêyakwâpisk

                    linguistic breakdown
                    IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                    1. one dollar, silver dollar CW
                    2. loonie CW
                    3. one dollar's worth CW
                    1. pitamâ

                      linguistic breakdown
                      IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                      1. first, first of all, prior to doing anything else CW
                      2. for a while, for now, just a while CW
                      3. in the meantime CW
                      4. Meanwhile. MD
                      5. For the present time. MD
                      1. pêhowikamik

                        linguistic breakdown
                        NI-3 💧   like: pahkêkin(w), askêkin(w)   📖
                        1. railway station CW
                        2. waiting room CW
                        1. êskwa

                          linguistic breakdown
                          IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                          1. while CW
                          2. wait CW
                          1. mistakihtêw

                            linguistic breakdown
                            VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                            1. it is counted for much, it is worth a lot, it is valuable CW
                            2. it is expensive, it is costly CW
                            3. it is costly AECD
                            1. pa-pêhêw

                              linguistic breakdown
                              VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                              1. s/he is still waiting for s.o. CW MD
                              1. V  
                                1. He is still waiting. MD
                                1. pêhowin

                                  linguistic breakdown
                                  NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                  1. waiting CW MD
                                  2. expecting someone CW
                                  3. the act of waiting AECD
                                  4. a waiting place AECD
                                  1. V  
                                    1. He is ready and waiting for you. MD
                                    1. kêsiskaw

                                      linguistic breakdown
                                      IPC ⚡️   like: anohc   📖
                                      1. quickly, hastily, right away, in a rush, without delay CW
                                      2. in time, ahead of time, while there is still time, before it is too late CW
                                      3. just for a little while, just for a minute, for a brief moment CW
                                      1. ispîhtêyihtâkosiw

                                        linguistic breakdown
                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                        1. s/he is considered so much CW
                                        2. s/he is worth so much CW
                                        3. He is considered as such. MD
                                        1. ispîhtêyihtâkwan

                                          linguistic breakdown
                                          VII-2n 💧➡️   like: miywâsin   📖
                                          1. it is considered so much CW
                                          2. it is worth so much CW
                                          1. pêhonân

                                            linguistic breakdown
                                            NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                            1. waiting place CW
                                            2. Fort a la Corne, SK CW
                                            3. Fort Carlton, SK CW
                                            4. Prince Albert, SK CW
                                            1. kihtimi-pêhêw

                                              linguistic breakdown
                                              VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                              1. s/he is tired of waiting for s.o. CW AECD
                                              1. kihtimi-pêhtâw

                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                1. s/he is tired of waiting for s.t. CW AECD
                                                1. kihtimi-pêhiwêw

                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                  VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                  1. s/he is tired of waiting for people CW AECD
                                                  1. nayawâs

                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                    IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                    1. after a long wait CW
                                                    2. in vain, futilely, unsuccessfully, having no useful result, having no luck, coming away empty-handed CW
                                                    3. Having no useful result. MD
                                                    4. In vain. MD
                                                    5. Futile. MD
                                                    1. IPH   like: êkosi pitamâ
                                                      1. wait a while, a little while CW
                                                      1. ohti

                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                        IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                        1. from there, thence, out of CW
                                                        2. with, by means of, for the purpose of CW
                                                        3. because of, for that reason CW
                                                        4. for CW
                                                        5. from then, from that point in time CW
                                                        6. about CW
                                                        1. âsônam

                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                          VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                                          1. s/he puts out his/her hand for an offering, s/he receives s.t. by hand CW
                                                          2. He is waiting to be handed something with the hands. MD
                                                          1. sôniyâwan

                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                            VII-2n 💧➡️   like: miywâsin   📖
                                                            1. it is worth money CW
                                                            2. it consists of money CW
                                                            1. mâcikôcicân

                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                              IPC ⚡️   like: anohc   📖
                                                              1. look, let me show you CW
                                                              2. Just wait and see. MD
                                                              1. nêwo-mistikowat

                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                1. four wooden boxes CW
                                                                2. four boxes' worth CW
                                                                1. ihkêhêw

                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                  VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw
                                                                  1. He is made to wait and he doesn't like it. MD
                                                                  1. pêhtâ

                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                    1. (you) wait for something now 🤖CW
                                                                    2. (you) wait for something now. now 🤖AECD 🤖MD
                                                                    3. Wait for it. MD

                                                                      form of pêhtâw


                                                                      VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                                      1. s/he waits for s.t. CW
                                                                      2. He waits for it. AECD MD
                                                                    1. aswaham

                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                      VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                                                      1. s/he waits eagerly for s.t., s/he lies in wait for s.t. CW
                                                                      1. pita

                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                        IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                        1. first, first of all CW
                                                                        2. for a while CW
                                                                        3. before doing something else, in the meantime CW
                                                                        4. wait, just a minute CW
                                                                        5. In the meantime. MD
                                                                        1. ispîhtêyihtâkosiwin

                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                          NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                          1. worth, regard CW
                                                                          1. asonêw

                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                            VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                            1. s/he is ready for s.o., s/he lies in wait in order to catch s.o. CW
                                                                            1. askihk

                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                              IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                              1. a pailful, a pail's worth CW
                                                                              1. cêskwa

                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                                1. wait, wait a minute CW
                                                                                2. presently, yet CW
                                                                                3. soon CW
                                                                                4. in the future CW
                                                                                5. [in negative constructions:] not yet CW
                                                                                1. asawâpamêw

                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                  VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                                  1. s/he looks out for s.o., s/he watches for s.o., s/he waits and watches for s.o., s/he lies in wait for s.o., s/he awaits s.o., s/he expects s.o. CW
                                                                                  2. He is on the look-out for him. MD
                                                                                  1. kani

                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                    IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                                    1. oh yes, I just remembered, I had forgotten CW
                                                                                    2. of course, come to think, now that I remember CW
                                                                                    3. wait a second CW AECD
                                                                                    4. indeed CW AECD
                                                                                    5. in effect CW AECD
                                                                                    6. I just thought of it AECD
                                                                                    7. that's right AECD
                                                                                    8. also an expression of agreement AECD
                                                                                    1. nîsonikêw

                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                      1. s/he uses two at a time CW
                                                                                      2. s/he has two pails, s/he gets two pails' worth CW
                                                                                      1. askamawêw

                                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                                        VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                        1. s/he lies in wait watching for s.o. CW
                                                                                        1. nâh-nîsonikêw

                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                          1. s/he uses two each, s/he has two pails each, s/he gets two pails' worth each CW
                                                                                          1. na

                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                            IPJ   like: hay hay
                                                                                            1. here! here it is, take it! [deictic; used in giving or handing an item to someone] CW
                                                                                            2. a statement used when handing something over to someone, "here" AECD
                                                                                            1. pêhêw

                                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                                              VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                                              1. s/he waits for s.o. CW AECD MD
                                                                                              1. ê-pêhiht

                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                1. people wait for him/her 🤖AECD 🤖CW 🤖MD
                                                                                                2. Somebody waits for him. MD
                                                                                                1. Preverb : e
                                                                                                  preverb breakdown

                                                                                                form of pêhêw


                                                                                                VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                                                1. s/he waits for s.o. CW AECD MD
                                                                                              2. kêsiskaw

                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                1. (you) come in time for him/her now, (you) come upon him/her now 🤖CW
                                                                                                2. (you) reach him/her in time now 🤖CW
                                                                                                3. (you) get there before him/her now 🤖CW
                                                                                                4. Get there before him. MD

                                                                                                  form of kêsiskawêw


                                                                                                  VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                                  1. s/he comes in time for s.o., s/he comes upon s.o. CW
                                                                                                  2. s/he reaches s.o. in time (e.g. before departure) CW
                                                                                                  3. s/he gets there before s.o. CW
                                                                                                1. kêsiskawêw

                                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                  VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                                  1. s/he comes in time for s.o., s/he comes upon s.o. CW
                                                                                                  2. s/he reaches s.o. in time (e.g. before departure) CW
                                                                                                  3. s/he gets there before s.o. CW
                                                                                                  1. wawiyatisiwin

                                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                    NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                                                    1. getting what one deserves, receiving one's just desserts CW
                                                                                                    2. deserved ridicule CW
                                                                                                    1. mâyastêw

                                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                      VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                                                                                                      1. it is placed unevenly, it is placed poorly, it is placed in the wrong way, it is placed improperly CW
                                                                                                      2. it is spoiled (e.g. food) CW
                                                                                                      3. It is placed unevenly or the wrong way. MD
                                                                                                      4. It is spoiled from sitting too long (food). MD
                                                                                                      5. it is placed improperly AECD
                                                                                                      1. macânês

                                                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                        NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                                                        1. game piece which is not worth the play CW
                                                                                                        1. nisto-maskimot

                                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                          IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                                                          1. three bags CW
                                                                                                          2. three bags' worth [usually a flour-bag holding 100 lbs] CW
                                                                                                          1. niyânano-pîwâpiskos

                                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                            IPC ⚡️   like: anohc   📖
                                                                                                            1. five cents, five cents' worth CW
                                                                                                            1. nîswêskihk

                                                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                              IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                                                              1. two pails, two pails' worth CW
                                                                                                              1. pêyakwahtayêyâw

                                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                                                                                                                1. it is worth one pelt CW
                                                                                                                1. pêyakwêskihk

                                                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                  IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                                                                                                                  1. one kettle, one kettleful (measure), one pail, one pails' worth CW
                                                                                                                  1. akocîstam

                                                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                    VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                                                                                                    1. s/he waits in an elevated place for s.t. CW
                                                                                                                    2. s/he hangs near s.t. CW
                                                                                                                    1. akocîstamawêw

                                                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                      VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                                                      1. s/he goes and waits for (it/him) for s.o. CW
                                                                                                                      1. akocîstawêw

                                                                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                        VTA-2 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nitonawêw   📖
                                                                                                                        1. s/he waits in an elevated place for s.o. CW
                                                                                                                        2. s/he hangs near s.o., s/he clings to s.o. CW
                                                                                                                        1. asawâpahtam

                                                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                          VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                                                                                                          1. s/he waits and watches for s.t. CW
                                                                                                                          2. s/he looks out for s.t. CW
                                                                                                                          3. He is on the look-out for it. MD
                                                                                                                          1. asawâpiw

                                                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                            1. s/he looks around, s/he looks out CW
                                                                                                                            2. s/he waits and watches CW
                                                                                                                            3. s/he is on the lookout, s/he looks out for game CW
                                                                                                                            1. askamâcikêw

                                                                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                              1. s/he lies in wait, s/he lies in ambush CW
                                                                                                                              1. askatâw

                                                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                1. s/he lies in wait CW
                                                                                                                                1. asohikan

                                                                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                  NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                                                                                  1. goose blind CW
                                                                                                                                  2. decoy (for wild birds) CW
                                                                                                                                  3. A man-made covering made from trees or a hill for the purpose of waiting for game. MD
                                                                                                                                  1. aswahikêw

                                                                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                    VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                    1. s/he lies in wait with a weapon CW
                                                                                                                                    2. s/he is on one's guard, s/he is on the lookout with a weapon, s/he watches with a weapon for people CW
                                                                                                                                    1. aswahwêw

                                                                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                      VTA-3 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: kîskiswêw   📖
                                                                                                                                      1. s/he waits eagerly for s.o., s/he lies in wait to ambush s.o., s/he watches with a weapon for s.o., s/he is on the lookout with a weapon for s.o. CW
                                                                                                                                      1. aswêhikêw

                                                                                                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                        1. s/he lies in wait (to shoot) CW
                                                                                                                                        1. âsônikêw

                                                                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                          1. s/he puts out his/her hand for an offering, s/he receives offerings CW
                                                                                                                                          2. He waits for a hand-out with his hands. MD
                                                                                                                                          1. VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                            1. s/he is dispirited by waiting, s/he is tired of waiting CW
                                                                                                                                            1. kwêta-pêhêw

                                                                                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                              VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                                                                                                                              1. s/he is too impatient to wait for s.o. CW
                                                                                                                                              1. kwêta-pêhow

                                                                                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                                1. s/he is too impatient to wait CW
                                                                                                                                                2. s/he waits in vain CW
                                                                                                                                                1. mâcikôtitân

                                                                                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                  IPC ⚡️   like: anohc   📖
                                                                                                                                                  1. look, let me show you CW
                                                                                                                                                  2. you will see CW
                                                                                                                                                  3. wait and see! lo! CW
                                                                                                                                                  1. pamihisow

                                                                                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                    VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                                    1. s/he looks after him/herself, s/he tends to him/herself, s/he waits on him/herself, s/he supports him/herself, s/he is self-reliant CW
                                                                                                                                                    2. she attends herself in childbirth, she serves as her own midwife CW
                                                                                                                                                    1. pêhiwêw

                                                                                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                                      1. s/he waits for people CW
                                                                                                                                                      1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                                                                                                                                                        1. Fort Carlton, SK [literally: "at the waiting place"] CW
                                                                                                                                                        1. pêhtâw

                                                                                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                          VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                                                                                                                                                          1. s/he waits for s.t. CW
                                                                                                                                                          2. He waits for it. AECD MD
                                                                                                                                                          1. piyasêyimow

                                                                                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                                                                                            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                                                                                            1. s/he looks forward eagerly, s/he waits in anticipation CW