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VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw

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  1. s/he works, s/he does work CW
  2. All of you work later. MD
  3. He works. MD
something is happening now
ni-/ki- word ê-/kâ- word
I nitatoskânê-atoskêyân
you (one) kitatoskânê-atoskêyan
s/he atoskêwê-atoskêt
we (but not you) nitatoskânânê-atoskêyâhk
you and we kitatoskânânawê-atoskêyahk
you (all) kitatoskânâwâwê-atoskêyêk
they atoskêwakê-atoskêcik
another/others atoskêyiwaê-atoskêyit
people atoskâniwiwê-atoskâniwahk
something happened earlier
ni-/ki- word ê-/kâ- word
I nikî-atoskânê-kî-atoskêyân
you (one) kikî-atoskânê-kî-atoskêyan
s/he kî-atoskêwê-kî-atoskêt
we (but not you) nikî-atoskânânê-kî-atoskêyâhk
you and we kikî-atoskânawê-kî-atoskêyahk
you (all) kikî-atoskânâwâwê-kî-atoskêyêk
they kî-atoskêwakê-kî-atoskêcik
another/others kî-atoskêyiwaê-kî-atoskêyit
something is going to happen
ni-/ki- word ê-/kâ- word
I niwî-atoskânê-wî-atoskêyân
you (one) kiwî-atoskânê-wî-atoskêyan
s/he wî-atoskêwê-wî-atoskêt
we (but not you) niwî-atoskânânê-wî-atoskêyâhk
you and we kiwî-atoskânawê-wî-atoskêyahk
you (all) kiwî-atoskânâwâwê-wî-atoskêyêk
they wî-atoskêwakê-wî-atoskêcik
another/others wî-atoskêyiwaê-wî-atoskêyit
something will certainly happen
ni-/ki- word
I nika-atoskân
you (one) kika-atoskân
s/he ka-atoskêw
we (but not you) nika-atoskânân
you and we kika-atoskânânaw
you (all) kika-atoskânâwâw
they ka-atoskêwak
another/others ka-atoskêyiwa
for something to happen
ka- word ta- word
I ka-atoskêyânta-atoskêyân
you (one) ka-atoskêyanta-atoskêyan
s/he ka-atoskêtta-atoskêt
we (but not you) ka-atoskêyâhkta-atoskêyâhk
you and we ka-atoskêyahkta-atoskêyahk
you (all) ka-atoskêyêkta-atoskêyêk
they ka-atoskêcikta-atoskêcik
another/others ka-atoskêyitta-atoskêyit
when/if something happens
I atoskêyâni
you (one) atoskêyani
s/he atoskêci
we (but not you) atoskêyâhki
you and we atoskêyahko
you (all) atoskêyêko
they atoskêtwâwi
another/others atoskêyici
now later
you (one) atoskêatoskêhkan
you and we atoskêtânatoskêhkahk
you (all) atoskêkatoskêhkêk