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  1. V  
    1. If it will be. MD
    2. If it will happen that way. MD
    3. He drove there. MD
    4. It got to be that way. MD
    1. ispâyiw

      linguistic breakdown
      1. it over there is high, it over there is so high, it over there is lofty, it over there is so tall 🤖CW
      2. it over there is high-top 🤖CW
      3. It is high. 🤖MD

        form of ispâw


        VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
        1. it is high, it is so high, it is lofty, it is so tall CW
        2. it is high-top (e.g. moccasin) CW
        3. It is high. MD
      1. ispayiw

        linguistic breakdown
        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
        1. s/he is thus affected, s/he has such an experience CW
        2. s/he is thus afflicted CW
        3. s/he fares thus CW
        1. ispayiw

          linguistic breakdown
          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
          1. s/he goes, s/he goes there CW
          2. s/he rides, s/he drives, s/he travels thus or there CW
          3. s/he moves along CW
          1. ispayiw

            linguistic breakdown
            VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
            1. it takes place thus, it occurs thus CW
            2. it has passed (e.g. days, years), it comes by, it goes by CW
            3. it runs thus (in a cycle), it is there (in a cycle), it comes around (in a cycle) CW
            4. it is a week CW
            1. ispayiw

              linguistic breakdown
              VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
              1. it goes thither or thus, it travels there CW
              1. ispayiyiw

                linguistic breakdown
                1. it over there takes place thus, it over there occurs thus 🤖CW
                2. it over there has passed , it over there comes by, it over there goes by 🤖CW
                3. it over there runs thus , it over there is there , it over there comes around 🤖CW
                4. it over there is a week 🤖CW

                  form of ispayiw


                  VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                  1. it takes place thus, it occurs thus CW
                  2. it has passed (e.g. days, years), it comes by, it goes by CW
                  3. it runs thus (in a cycle), it is there (in a cycle), it comes around (in a cycle) CW
                  4. it is a week CW
                1. ispayiyiw

                  linguistic breakdown
                  1. it over there goes thither or thus, it over there travels there 🤖CW

                    form of ispayiw


                    VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                    1. it goes thither or thus, it travels there CW
                  1. IPH   like: êkosi pitamâ
                    1. last week CW
                    1. mosci-ispayiw

                      linguistic breakdown
                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                      1. s/he simply ride or drive there, s/he rides there without vehicle CW
                      1. pêyak-ispayiw

                        linguistic breakdown
                        IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
                        1. one week, for one week CW
                        1. VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                          1. it takes place indifferently CW
                          2. it occurs in an untoward manner CW
                          3. it occurs as an unfortunate event CW
                          1. kwayask-ispayiw

                            linguistic breakdown
                            VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                            1. it works out properly CW MD