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VTA-3 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: kîskiswêw

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  1. s/he sends s.o. all together CW
  2. s/he drives s.o. all together CW
  3. s/he drives them together, i.e.: horses or cattle AECD
ni-/ki- word
I → you (one) kimâmawitisahotin
I → him/her nimâmawitisahwâw
you (one) → me kimâmawitisahon
you (one) → him/her kimâmawitisahwâw
s/he → me nimâmawitisahok
s/he → you (one) kimâmawitisahok
s/he → another/others mâmawitisahwêw
another/others → him/her mâmawitisahok
ê-/kâ- word
I → you (one) ê-mâmawitisahotân
I → him/her ê-mâmawitisahwak
you (one) → me ê-mâmawitisahoyan
you (one) → him/her ê-mâmawitisahwat
s/he → me ê-mâmawitisahot
s/he → you (one) ê-mâmawitisahosk
s/he → another/others ê-mâmawitisahwât
another/others → him/her ê-mâmawitisahokot
you (one) → me mâmawitisahon
you (one) → him/her mâmawitisah