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VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam

Choose a name from the dropdown to hear the word said by the speaker.

Learn more about the speaker.
  1. s/he is resourceful CW
  2. s/he has knowledge for doing CW
  3. s/he is clever (about s.t.), s/he is able to solve problems, s/he is good at thinking of s.t., s/he is innovative CW
  4. s/he is content CW
  5. He has the unique ability to think constructively. MD
ni-/ki- word
I ninihtâwêyihtên
you (one) kinihtâwêyihtên
s/he nihtâwêyihtam
we (but not you) ninihtâwêyihtênân
you and we kinihtâwêyihtênaw
you (all) kinihtâwêyihtênâwâw
they nihtâwêyihtamwak
another/others nihtâwêyihtamiyiwa
ê-/kâ- word
I ê-nihtâwêyihtamân
you (one) ê-nihtâwêyihtaman
s/he ê-nihtâwêyihtahk
we (but not you) ê-nihtâwêyihtamâhk
you and we ê-nihtâwêyihtamahk
you (all) ê-nihtâwêyihtamêk
they ê-nihtâwêyihtahkik
another/others ê-nihtâwêyihtamiyit
you (one) nihtâwêyihta