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VTA-4 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: nakatêw

Choose a name from the dropdown to hear the word said by the speaker.

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  1. s/he hurts s.o. (by pulling) CW MD
  2. He his hurt by tugging at him. MD
  3. s/he is hurting her/him by pulling, i.e.: a dentist AECD
ni-/ki- word
I → you (one) kiwîsakipititin
I → him/her niwîsakipitâw
you (one) → me kiwîsakipisin
you (one) → him/her kiwîsakipitâw
s/he → me niwîsakipitik
s/he → you (one) kiwîsakipitik
s/he → another/others wîsakipitêw
another/others → him/her wîsakipitikow
ê-/kâ- word
I → you (one) ê-wîsakipititân
I → him/her ê-wîsakipitak
you (one) → me ê-wîsakipisiyan
you (one) → him/her ê-wîsakipitat
s/he → me ê-wîsakipisit
s/he → you (one) ê-wîsakipitisk
s/he → another/others ê-wîsakipitât
another/others → him/her ê-wîsakipitikot
you (one) → me wîsakipisin
you (one) → him/her wîsakipis